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Our Solutions: IBM Maximo®

Enterprise asset management (EAM) is the comprehensive management of a company's physical assets throughout their lifecycle. It includes the acquisition, maintenance, use, and disposal of assets, focusing on optimising quality and efficiency. In addition, the process utilises specialised software to track asset performance and predict maintenance needs. EAM covers both tangible assets and associated operational data to help key decision-makers make informed choices that also decrease costs and enhance profitability. 

At Millennium Insights, we are proud to support SMBs and large Australian enterprises with all their EAM needs. We're certified IBM Business Partners, specialising in IBM Maximo® Application Suite, an all-in-one platform designed to help businesses organise, manage, and monitor their assets. Get in touch today to learn more about Maximo® and how this innovative software can benefit your organisation.

About IBM Maximo® Application Suite

IBM Maximo® Application Suite is a comprehensive solution designed to assist enterprises in managing their asset lifecycle and maintenance operations with greater efficiency and effectiveness. This robust software offers a suite of integrated features to create a unified

IBM Maximo Logo.png

platform for asset management across all industries. Additionally, IBM Maximo® supports a multitude of functions that range from monitoring the health of assets and managing work orders and inventory to predictive maintenance using Internet of Things (IoT) data.

Helping organisations streamline their asset management processes, one of the key features of IBM Maximo® is its adaptability, which allows organisations to tailor the platform to their unique business needs and workflows. Additionally, the platform offers real-time data insights, helping decision-makers optimise the performance and lifespan of their physical assets. 

With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency, reducing downtime, and decreasing operational costs, IBM Maximo® stands as a critical tool for asset-intensive organisations seeking to achieve a high level of asset management maturity.

Use Cases

There are various applications available through this IBM asset management software. Whether you're only paying for what you need or are leveraging the full suite for your operations, businesses can access the entire platform with a single entitlement. The EAM software, Maximo®, houses the following capabilities.


Utilise IoT data, asset records, and historical work information to enhance asset management and boost availability. Gain authoritative asset health perspectives with intuitive dashboard visualisations.


Leverage machine learning and data analytics within the Maximo® framework and Watson Studio to transition from a time-based to a condition-based maintenance strategy.


Maximo® Mobile revolutionises asset management with cutting-edge mobile technology, enhancing field technician productivity through seamless access to comprehensive asset data anywhere, anytime.

Manage (CMMS/EAM)

Minimise downtime and expenditure by refining asset management and maintenance. Utilising integrated industry knowledge and efficient data models, you can merge asset processes across your organisation for superior planning and oversight.


Enhance your asset and operational uptime by implementing sophisticated, AI-driven remote monitoring across an array of assets. This single data stream works to monitor and detect anomalies.

Visual Inspection

Conduct a thorough visual assessment of your infrastructure using readily available iOS devices. Available 24/7.

Why Choose IBM Maximo®?

According to market analysts Gartner, IBM Maximo® EAM solutions have long been considered the market leader in enterprise asset management. Surveys show that IBM Maximo® can deliver a significant return on investment relatively quickly. Survey findings also indicate:


Reduction in Labour Cost


Reduction in Inventory Cost

Upto 25%

Reduction in time lost to equipment failure


With the right solution, everything is possible. Hear from Samantha, one of our clients who recently migrated to IBM Maximo® asset management.

Samantha, Business Consultant. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"My organisation has embarked on its digitalisation journey since 2017, and we have adopted IBM Maximo as our core asset & work management platform. I have observed that this solution provided our users with a world-class experience."

Millennium Insights and IBM Maximo®

At Millennium Insights, we support Australian businesses with all their asset management needs. With one of our specialties being IBM solutions, our consultants collaborate with clients to identify the most appropriate EAM application for their operations.


We understand the frustration business owners and core decision-makers feel when they know they need innovative software but aren't quite sure where to start. That's where we come in. We'll consult with your team, identify your business needs, and help determine the best solution for you. One of the key parts of our service is working with clients to implement the software and onboard and educate their staff so they can use it seamlessly. 


We're there with you every step of the way, answering questions and queries, and tending to any issues that may arise. When it comes to quality EAM software and services, you can rely on Millennium Insights’ expertise to deliver the results you need.

Choose IBM Maximo® Application Suite For Your Business Today

IBM enterprise asset management, Maximo® takes organisations to the next level. With comprehensive oversight of all asset types, Maximo® is easy to use and implement. From production right through to IT, this unmatched software works across your entire enterprise. 


More than somewhere to house your assets, Maximo® helps organisations unlock their true potential, aligning work processes and procedures with overall business objectives. Reach out to Millennium Insights and discover more about how you can leverage IBM Maximo® in your business today.

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